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Manage Ory Network projects through the API

You can configure Ory Network projects using the Ory Console, as well as the Ory CLI and in most cases those are the recommended tools. There are cases where you might want to use the API directly, for example when managing a large number of projects or when exposing certain capabilities to your users in a B2B/B2B2C scenario.
In this guide you will learn how to configure Ory Network projects using the API.

To run this guide you need:

  • curl
  • your Ory Network project ID and Workspace ID
  • a Workspace API Key

To create a new Workspace API Key go to Workspace settingsAPI keys in the Ory Console.


Use the API Key in API calls, SDK calls, or command-line interactions. Ory Workspace API Keys have a ory_wak_ prefix, which helps to identify them in code.

For example, when calling the API to get a project at /projects/:project_id, include the API Key in the Authorization header:

GET /projects/$PROJECT_ID HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer ${WORKSPACE_API_KEY}

Ory Network projects API snippets

Open your favourite terminal and export the workspace API key and workspace ID. You can find the workspace ID in the overview or when you click into a workspace as part of the URL.


List all projects

List all your Ory Network projects, including stats like creation time, last update time and more using the listProjects API.

curl --location --request GET "${WORKSPACE_ID}/projects" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${WORKSPACE_API_KEY}" | jq

Create a project

Create a new Ory Network project through the API. You get the full configuration of the newly created project as response using the createProject API. Here you can optionally specify the region and workspace the project should be created in.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${WORKSPACE_API_KEY}" \
--data '{
"name": "example",
"environment": "dev",
"home_region": "us-west",
"workspace_id": "'"${WORKSPACE_ID}"'"
}' | jq

Here the project will be created with the following settings:

  • name: example (can be freely chosen by you)
  • environment: dev (can be "prod", "stage", or "dev")
  • home_region: us-west
  • workspace_id: your workspace id

Delete a project


Use with extreme caution. This action can not be undone and will delete ALL your data.

You can delete an Ory Network project by following these steps:


curl --location --request DELETE "${ORY_PROJECT_ID}" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${WORKSPACE_API_KEY}"

Get a project

To get the full configuration of your Ory Network project use the getProject API.


curl --location --request GET "${ORY_PROJECT_ID}" \
--header "Accept: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${WORKSPACE_API_KEY}" | jq

Update an Ory Network project Configuration

You can use Workspace API keys to change a projects configuration through the API.

In this example we add an Ory Action to the project.

First, create a Jsonnet file that transforms the identity data from Ory to a format Segment understands:

function(ctx) {
traits: {
newsletterConsent: ctx.identity.traits.consent.newsletter,

Encode this Jsonnet snippet to Base64 and save it to the clipboard:

cat test.jsonnet | base64 | pbcopy

Define the Ory Action as a JSON Object. Remember to replace the example with your data:


curl --location --request PATCH "${ORY_PROJECT_ID}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${WORKSPACE_API_KEY}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '[
"op": "add",
"path": "/services/identity/config/selfservice/flows/login/after/hooks/-",
"value": {
"hook": "web_hook",
"config": {
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"body": "base64://ZnVuY3Rpb24oY3R4KSB7CiAgdXNlcklkOiBjdHguaWRlbnRpdHkuaWQsCiAgdHJhaXRzOiB7CiAgICBlbWFpbDogY3R4LmlkZW50aXR5LnRyYWl0cy5lbWFpbCwKICAgIG5hbWU6IGN0eC5pZGVudGl0eS50cmFpdHMubmFtZSwKICAgIG5ld3NsZXR0ZXJDb25zZW50OiBjdHguaWRlbnRpdHkudHJhaXRzLmNvbnNlbnQubmV3c2xldHRlciwKICB9LAp9"
]' \
| jq ""

List a project's API Tokens

List all API Keys active using the listProjectApiKeys API, including creation dates, name and ID. Please note that you can not get the value this way, it is only shown once upon creation of the API Key.

curl --location --request GET  "${ORY_PROJECT_ID}/tokens" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${WORKSPACE_API_KEY}" | jq

Create project API token

Use the createProjectApiKey API to create a new API Key. The output is similar to above, with the difference that you can see the value now (this is the only time you see it!).

curl --location --request POST "${ORY_PROJECT_ID}/tokens" \
-d '{"name":"example"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${WORKSPACE_API_KEY}" | jq

Delete project API token

In the same way you can also delete an API Key that is no longer used. You need the API Key ID to delete it with the deleteProjectApiKey API.


curl --location --request DELETE "${ORY_PROJECT_ID}/tokens/${ORY_PROJECT_API_KEY_ID}" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${WORKSPACE_API_KEY}"

Create, update, delete organizations

To learn more about how to use the Organizations or B2B SSO API, including examples, please refer to the guide in the Organizations and B2B Single Sign-On documentation.
